Frequently Asked Questions


Why us instead of individual hire?
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You get a whole team from the get-go. Plug in to the decades of experience and breadth of skills at Shoreditch that you wouldn’t be able to with an individual. Minimal onboarding is required as we have more than likely worked in your industry previously. Plus, of course, the flexibility of a stop-start relationship and flexible working hours. Lastly, save yourself the admin and overheads of an internal hire or freelancer. There are no pensions, PAYE, equipment costs, software costs, bonuses, sick days, holiday pay, or training costs with us. Just a reliable design in unreliable times. Still not sure of the benefits? Let us explain more on a call here.
How should I choose a web design agency?
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When you’re selecting a web design agency, a good portfolio is everything — shortlist your options according to the quality of their past work. Then, if the web designs they’ve produced and their customer testimonials are aligned with your brand vision, get in touch to discuss your needs.
What does a graphic design agency do?
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Graphic design agencies provide professional design services to businesses across a range of digital mediums. This typically involves getting to know a client’s needs, ambitions and identity, then producing visual assets to assist with their marketing, products, or other ventures.
What does a UI agency do?
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UI agencies specialise in designing the user interface for business products, websites, or apps. Basically, this is the visual layout and elements that you see on-screen when you’re using a particular service. The goal is to design an interface that is attractive and consistent with a client’s brand identity, using colour, typography and other visual assets.
What does a product design agency do?
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A product design agency creates new products in collaboration with client businesses. Most will specialise in one specific type of product design, for example consumer electronics, industrial machinery, or in the case of Shoreditch Design, digital products and experiences.
What is animated video production?
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Animated video production is the creative process behind making short or long-form video content from moving images. These projects usually work to tell a story, entertain, or demonstrate how a product or service works when words simply aren’t enough.
What does a branding agency do?
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A branding agency develops brands for companies, organisations and individual clients. They aim to develop a memorable and consistent visual identity that communicates brand values and resonates with a target audience. This typically involves market research, strategy, and the creation of assets like logos, graphics and brand guidelines.
Retainer or fixed term?
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If you are building a product, a complex website, or you need ongoing design support, we recommend the retainer model. Allows you to utilise design time whenever and for whatever you want, without being bogged down in creating new briefs and re-estimations. Fixed-term pricing and projects are best only for super-tight briefs and small projects if we know how each other works. Still not sure? Let us decide over a call.
Should I hire a web design agency?
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Yes, if you’re looking to market your business with a beautiful, user-friendly front of shop. Experienced web design agencies are best equipped to nurture your brand vision and build a website that communicates what you do best — helping to build trust, inform, and convert new customers.
What is a graphic design studio?
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This is usually a creative agency working in the niche of professional graphic design services, producing assets for a range of exciting clients. In other words — us! The studio will typically consist of a physical office with a team of designers each working on their own projects, collaborating, meeting with clients, and developing their skills.
What is a UX UI agency?
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A UI UX design agency is a company that offers services in designing both a product’s user interface and user experience. This encompasses how an end-user interacts with the product, website or app at each stage of their journey. These agencies, like Shoreditch Design, typically collaborate with their clients to create visually appealing platforms that are intuitive and enjoyable to use.
What is a digital product agency?
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A digital product agency is a product design agency that specialises in creating digital experiences, such as mobile applications, websites, software platforms and more. This generally involves preliminary research, iterative concept development, and prototyping using UI and UX best practices.
How do you make an animated explainer?
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To make an effective animated explainer, you should design engaging, simple graphics that communicate your concept visually. Take a look at some of our past work for examples of animated product demonstrations and infographics that distil complicated ideas into accessible visual messaging.
What do branding agencies charge?
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The cost of hiring a branding agency will depend on the services required, the length and complexity of the project, and the studio that you choose to work with. While many London branding agencies are inflexible in their approach to pricing, Shoreditch Design offers competitive rates to suit different budgets. Contact us for a quote tailored to your business.
What are your rates?
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If you are building a product, a complex website, or you need ongoing design support, we recommend the retainer model. Allows you to utilise design time whenever and for whatever you want, without being bogged down in creating new briefs and re-estimations. Fixed-term pricing and projects are best only for super-tight briefs and small projects if we know how each other works. Still not sure? Let us decide over a call.
Is 3 months enough to build a website?
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Absolutely — in fact, we’ve done it in less time, too. The exact timeline will depend on your scope, resources, and development turnaround, but the first step is to create a quality website design to direct the entire process. To learn more about how Shoreditch Design can help, get in touch with us today.
How do you judge good graphic design?
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What makes ‘good’ design will always be subjective — but before we show any of our plans to a client, we follow a strict in-house vetting process. We assess each design on its outright visual appeal, originality in the market, and lastly, whether it successfully communicates the desired message — be this who the brand is, what the product does, or otherwise.
What is UI known for?
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Good UI is known for being aesthetically pleasing, consistent with a brand’s visual identity, and easy to use. It typically implements a simple, hierarchical layout which helps to guide users attention and facilitate interaction with the various assets displayed on-screen.
What is a digital innovation agency?
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A digital innovation agency is a solution-oriented firm that specialises in creating boundary-pushing digital experiences. The products made by a digital innovation agency are driven by the creative and strategic deployment of cutting-edge technologies. Explore Shoreditch Design’s diverse portfolio of innovative digital products.
How to make animation video for business?
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Creating an animated video for business requires the content to effectively market your product, align with your brand values, and appeal to your target audience. Visual techniques such as 3D modelling, videography, and motion design are commonly utilised. For the best results, you should collaborate with an experienced animated video production company.
How much does it cost to hire someone for branding?
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Hiring an individual to develop your branding can be more expensive and offers less flexibility than partnering with a design agency. The exact price will vary depending on the designer’s expertise, expected rate, and length of contract. When working with a branding agency, however, businesses generally experience faster turnaround times and higher return on investment.
What constitutes a day of work?
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We price based on day rates equivalent to 7.5 hours of design time from one designer. In practice, you might actually have two designers working half a day each to make up the one day of work, but whatever the arrangement, we prioritise quick results and quality work. Chat with us to learn more.
What are your working hours?
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We work 9am-5:30pm local time in both our UK and Australia offices but can move times forward and back to cater to international clients. Book an intro call to learn more.
Will I get a dedicated designer?
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Working with Shoreditch means you are allocated a dedicated team rather than an individual. That said, we try to keep the team members the same throughout your engagement, with one lead designer as your prime point of contact. Book an intro call to learn more.
Will Shoreditch work from my office?
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We love to visit your offices for meetings occasionally to embed with the team and understand the product, but we don’t do this full-time. Keeping our design studio separate allows our designers to bounce ideas off each other, give critical feedback and access the wealth of in-house experience much easier, resulting in happier designers and better designs. Book an intro call to learn more.
What weekly meetings will there be?
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We try to keep things lightweight with one or two weekly catchup reviews and planning sessions a week as standard, instead relying on ad-hoc meetings to discuss particular problems or analyse design ideas and prototypes. That being said, many of our clients have quick daily stand-ups, so we always know the latest. Book an intro call to learn more.
Can you embed with my existing design team?
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We often embed with our client's existing teams. This can either work directly beneath, alongside or take the reins - it’s up to you. Many of our partners have used us in the past to give extra design power to their existing team whilst they recruit and hire more help. Book an intro call to learn more.
Do you cover maternity leave or hiring gaps?
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We do, our flexible retainer options allow us to give coverage for your design needs for 2+ months whilst you hire more designers or reconfigure your teams. Book an intro call to learn more.
What do I need in my brief to get a quote for fixed prices?
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As much detail as possible! Chat with us, and we can send you our detailed brief template. Book an intro call here.
Do you have special rates for early stage startups?
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We work with many founders and early-stage startups and know how they work and the struggle. We have tried and tested approaches to keep the budget down for startups. Get in touch to learn more.
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Book an intro meeting with us

We can discuss, your project, our services, relevant past work, our rates, and how we can work together, or email us at