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Elevated website design for 71-75


71-75 is an all-inclusive office space for ambitious businesses in the heart of Covert Garden. It has offices for individuals and companies of all sizes. Their team called in our team to revamp their website and online presence to attract new clients.

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Our design thinking

Our approach was to fully understand the client's vision through collaborative discussions with the client and stakeholders. Then, we focused on the website's functionality and user navigation. By reworking the existing user experience flow, we enhanced visitor engagement and comprehension of the available packages and optimised their time spent on the site.

Our UI rollout was a celebration of their new brand, while maintaining a connection to their old identity as BSO. This ensured that users could seamlessly identify the affiliation between the two entities. We used the versatile Grotesque font, Neue Montreal from the acclaimed Panagram font family, for impactful typography and a strong UI impact. The site, predominantly black and white, is further enhanced by the images we captured of the building, the team, and the offi

Finished product

The site has launched, and we're happy to see it live as an immersive online experience that truly captivates and resonates with visitors.

Check the live site now: https://www.71-75.co.uk/

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